What is The Bowen Technique ?
The Bowen Technique has helped thousands of people with a wide variety of illnesses over the past 40 years. It is a dynamic system of muscle and connective tissue therapy developed in the 1950’s by the late Tom Bowen of Australia. This celebrated therapist regularly treated over 13,000 patients a year. His unique system uses gentle moves on soft tissue to stimulate energy flow and empower the body’s own resources. Like homeopathy, the Bowen Technique stimulates the body to heal itself and to regain balance.
Watch a demonstration:
It is different !
The Bowen Technique is unlike most other forms of bodywork. It does not involve deep massage, or adjustment of the bony structure. There is no forceful separation of fascia or directing of energy by the practitioner. Many of the Bowen moves coincide with acupuncture points, but it is not acupressure.
What happens in a Bowen session?
A Bowen treatment consists of gentle, rolling movements on specific points of the body. These moves are light and can be done through clothing. They stimulate a systemic response so powerful that a pause is observed between each series of moves to allow integration. A pattern of movements and pauses continues throughout the treatment. The rhythm is so soothing and relaxing that most patients fall asleep during the session. Benefits are usually apparent within two sessions, even when long-standing conditions are being treated.
How can The Bowen Technique help?
Bowen treatment brings
- rapid and lasting relief from pain and discomfort
- reduced stress – physical, emotional and mental
- improvement in conditions from sports injuries to chronic internal complaints
- improved joint mobility
- improved circulation of lymphatic and venous fluids
- improved elimination of toxins
- empowering of the body’s own natural resources to heal itself
- improved digestion and assimilation of nutrients
- The Bowen Technique is safe to use on everyone – from newborns to the elderly. It is effective for both recent and long-standing conditions. The treatments are usually done on a bed or massage table, but can be adapted to the patient sitting in a chair or wheelchair.
Bowen Technique helps people with
- Back pain
- Frozen shoulder
- Tennis elbow
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Arthritic pain
- Headaches & Migraines
- TMJ pain
- Earache and ear infections
- Scoliosis
- Postural problems
- Asthma, allergies & Sinusitis
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Fibromyalgia
- Foot and ankle problems
- Knee and hip restrictions
- Pelvic problems
- Digestive disorders
- Gynecological problems
- Prostate problems
- Bed wetting in children
The Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia was founded in 1987 by Oswald and Elaine Rentsch, who were the only people commissioned by Bowen to document and teach his original work. Since 1987, over 9,000 therapists worldwide have taken Bowen training. Certified Bowtech practitioners have completed the training and adhere to a professional code of ethics.
experience the Bowen Technique at Kachina
- Jane Holden, RN(retired), B.AC., MT
Watch an interview with Ossie Rentsch