At Kachina Health individuals offer acupuncture, counselling, and several forms of body therapy including massage therapy and Bowen Technique for children, adolescents, and adults. Appointments are offered for individuals, couples, and families. See our Services. We are in the Hydrostone Market in Northend Halifax.
Healing is a dynamic, life-enhancing process with many dimensions. The name Kachina – ka chee’ na is from the North American native Hopi tradition. Kachinas are representations of spirits that exist in the world as friends and helpers. Like the Hopis, at Kachina the goal is harmony with ourselves, our families and our world.
Phone & Online Booking can be found on the Our Team or Services pages.
We offer treatment and support for:
- Abuse – physical, sexual & emotional
- Addictions, Anxiety, Depression
- Body Image & Eating Disorders
- Health Promotion
- Illness – acute & chronic
- Pain and Stress Relief
- Posture Improvement
- Pregnancy & Childbirth
- Rehabilitation of Injuries
- Relationship & Family Problems
- Sexual Orientation
Our Clients Say it Best
Hi Karen. I can’t tell you how much it helped to talk to you Tuesday morning. It was a very difficult day for me and having someone to talk to helped to put my thoughts in less jumbled order. ..–Name witheld
“Jane H., I’m feeling much better after my acupuncture treatments. You have been a shining light of hope and compassion during my illness. I thank you for everything.”–G.H.
“Dear Jane H., Thank you so much for your skill and caring! I’m feeling much better with the seasonal treatments.”–A.T.